Biometrics Star of Kitts Green Health Check Roadshow



Ten minutes. Fifteen tests. Life-extending results.


Almost 40 percent of employees at the Kitts Green location in the United Kingdom learned their numbers by participating in a free onsite biometric screening in late 2016. The Health Check Roadshow reached every shift and department, making it easy for employees to get critical health insight.


ÒWe took wellness on the road, setting up the testing area in each department multiple times over four weeks to cover every shift,Ó said Nardhia Kidd-Walker, the locationÕs healthy lifestyle advisor. ÒWe worked with each departmentÕs team leader to schedule 10-minute slots for individual testing. We also allocated time for open sessions so an employee could come to the wellness center to be assessed.Ó


Each participating employee received a two-page analysis of individual results for all 15 tested health markers (see box). A traffic light system—green, amber and red—visually put each result in perspective. Kidd-Walker offered all employees, especially those who had three or more red results, personalized healthy lifestyle advice.


Individual results were rolled up into department and overall location results for each marker. The location is using these results to tailor its 2017 wellness program to focus primarily on the top three overall risks—body fat percentage, cholesterol and hydration.


A weight-loss competition is underway. Each employee will receive a reusable water bottle covered with educational messaging. A cholesterol-oriented program and other initiatives are being explored.


ÒWe plan on having another roadshow later this year,Ó said Kidd-Walker. ÒWeÕll compare those results with last yearÕs to see if our wellness efforts are working. If not, weÕll know that changes are necessary.Ó


Interested in doing a health check at your location? Learn the basics through this PowerPoint.


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                                                Tested Health Markers


á      Height

á      Weight

á      Body mass index

á      Body fat percentage

á      Hydration

á      Bone mineral mass

á      Visceral fats (internal fats that surround vital organs)

á      Metabolic age

á      Blood pressure

á      Resting pulse

á      Blood glucose

á      Total cholesterol,

á      HDL cholesterol

á      LDL cholesterol

á      Triglycerides



The location tracks results by department for each health marker.




Each participant receives a two-page health check form showing results from all 15 tests.